A Journey Through Technology

How do we define Emerging Technologies?

on May 21, 2016

According to Veletsianos (2008), “[e]merging technologies are tools, innovations, and advancements utilized in diverse education settings…to serve varied education-related purposes.” The 2015 K-12 Horizon Report gives three categories for emerging technologies based on their “time-to-adoption horizon”. In one year or less are “bring your own device” (BYOD) and makerspaces, two to three years is 3D printing and adaptive learning technologies, and four to five years is digital badges and wearable technology. (NMC, n.d.) Walsh (2015) discusses 12 additional emerging technologies that are currently being used in classrooms across the country. These include augmented reality, flipped classrooms, video collaboration tools, and student response systems. I find it interesting that many teachers already use these tools in their classrooms without knowing they are using an emerging technology.

Emerging technologies do not only exist in education. Treder (2010) shares a definition of emerging technologies as technologies that

  • arise from new knowledge, or the innovative application of existing knowledge;
  • lead to the rapid development of new capabilities;
  • are projected to have significant systemic and long-lasting economic, social and political impacts;
  • create new opportunities for and challenges to addressing global issues; and
  • have the potential to disrupt or create entire industries. (Treder, 2010)

Based on the different sources I read and found this week, I would say that emerging technologies are designed to enhance experiences, not only in education, but also in the social and business worlds. I feel like using emerging technologies in the classroom can help teachers engage students and better prepare them for an ever evolving world of technology. Emerging technologies do not need to be new technologies, as older technologies can evolve into more useful tools over time. (Veletsianos, 2008) They are technologies that people might already be using, or they may be just an idea that needs time to become something great.


NMC Horizon Report K-12 Edition. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2016, from http://www.nmc.org/publication/nmc-horizon-report-2015-k-12-edition/

Treder, M. (2010, December 6). The Definition of Emerging Technologies. Retrieved May 21, 2016, from http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/treder20101206

Veletsianos, G. (2008, November 18). A definition of emerging technologies for education. Retrieved May 10, 2016, from http://www.veletsianos.com/2008/11/18/a-definition-of-emerging-technologies-for-education/

Walsh, K. (2015, September 14). 12 Emerging Educational Uses of Technology That are the Most Exciting Right Now. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://www.emergingedtech.com/2015/09/emerging-educational-uses-of-technology-most-exciting-now/

4 responses to “How do we define Emerging Technologies?

  1. lucassara12 says:

    I found this exact explanation from another source. http://www.matterforall.org/emerging-technology-definition-brainstorm/ But I think the sources were referencing the same conference.

    “Emerging technologies do not only exist in education. Treder (2010) shares a definition of emerging technologies as technologies that

    arise from new knowledge, or the innovative application of existing knowledge;
    lead to the rapid development of new capabilities;
    are projected to have significant systemic and long-lasting economic, social and political impacts;
    create new opportunities for and challenges to addressing global issues; and
    have the potential to disrupt or create entire industries. (Treder, 2010)”

    I really liked it though because it talked a lot about how ET leads to changes. Veletsianos only mentioned the changes briefly. I also like how you talk about the enhancements it can make in education. You go on to say that these enhancements apply to more than just education. This is so true and something that can be easily overlooked when we are focused on education.


  2. (My first comment would not post! Ignore this one if there is a duplicate)
    I think your summary of emerging technologies is spot on! I appreciate how you extended the scope beyond education to “the social and business worlds.” I found another interesting article by Katie Walsh that connects these worlds. She writes “The bottom line: we must continue investing heavily in our young people, and ensure that they have the education and skills to excel in this quickly changing world.” Walsh, Katie (2016 May 19). Emerging industries and implication for education and out students and children. Retreived from: http://www.emergingedtech.com/


  3. waclawskid says:

    Thanks for bringing up the social influence ET has had on our society. My first thought was that social ET didn’t have an effect on education, but then I remembered I work in a high school. Facebook, twitter and Snapchap are park of the school experience like paper and pencils.

    I also like your list of emerging technologies that are already being used in the classroom like 3D printers. I think the technology has emerged, but we are still trying to find a way to use it.


  4. […] Finally, Sarah K. helped me expand my thinking past the realm of education with her blog post (https://chemmomak.wordpress.com/2016/05/21/how-do-we-define-emerging-technologies/#comments); she also pointed out that emerging technologies are projected to have long term impact (Hilary […]


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